Words matter. When today’s 15 Apostles of the Church use words to describe themselves such as “true messengers, special witnesses, sure witnesses, certain witnesses, prophets, seers, revelators, and apostles” it becomes our sacred duty to determine if they are being misleading or telling the truth. Especially given that we pay for undisclosed salaries and benefits packages and give them 1/10th of all we possess. The duty to discern their words falls upon us members.
They call themselves prophets, seers, and revelators. But whether they prophesy, see, or reveal remains to be seen. In fact, the opposite appears to be true.
Did Brigham prophesy correctly when he said the Church would no longer be true if it abandoned polygamy or gave priesthood to the blacks?
Did Thomas receive a true revelation to not baptize children whose parents have made lifestyle choices we disagree with?
Did Gary receive a revelation to allow for gay leaders in Boy Scouts?
Did Spencer receive a revelation to give blacks the priesthood or was the Church worried it would lose its non-profit status with the IRS?
Where are the additional sections of the Doctrine and Covenants formalizing all the revelations they receive? Where are the prophesies of these men we adulate? Which of them possesses stones through which they see? Why will none of them declare as do prophets of old that they have seen Him even on the right hand of God? Why do they continue to speak in parables using vain and ambiguous language because some things are simply “too sacred” to share?
We have allowed time and tradition to warp and distort the true meaning of words.
I am curious by show of hands (comments) which of you who consider yourselves to be True Blue Mormons, believe that these men see God. Or at least Angels. I have heard the Brethren say that they are sure witnesses of Christ and that they know Him as well as the ancient Apostles. What do you think these words mean? Elder Anderson said at a funeral this last week that his witness was “certain.” What does he mean by this?
Can we at least agree that some of these men lead us to believe, by their words, that they have seen Him? That they converse with Him face to face? And that it would be a grave and tragic issue, if in fact they have not?
I think there is no greater question that can be asked of these men than, “Have you or have you not seen the Lord?” If you have not, then shame on you for leading us to believe that you have! If you have, then where are your revelations? Your expounding of scripture? Your bold testimonies that carry to the hearts of the children of men? Why do you take surveys when you have the keys to revelation? Why are you using our sacred funds to build malls and cities rather than help the poor?
If we have 15 prophets among us, why have we not created Zion? Where are the signs that follow after you? Where are the tongues, the Angels, the miracles, the prophesies, the additional scriptures, or even the doctrinal dissertations?
I do not look forward to the teleprompter talks this next week, written by paid speech writers and assistants who worship them. Parables of pickles and talks about following the Brethren even when they are wrong and of the Old Ship Zion. Same old Ship, different day. To me it has all become noise. Words no longer have meaning. And messages from these men do not have the power to change hearts. They only seek to control and to keep others from entering in.
I invite you to contrast their words to the words of scripture. If ye lack wisdom, ask God, not men. Follow Christ, not the Brethren. He is a real Man. Sadly “they” are all effeminate impostors. Might as well be Profits, Sewers, and Elevators, for they have corrupted the Holy Church of God, and their titles no longer mean anything.
God bless you as you seek Him, not them.