As the world descends further into darkness, the president of the LDS Church is once again speaking out against “racism, sexism, and a host of other ‘isms’…” that “are tragically limiting in the way we regard and treat each other.”
The 98 year old Mormon leader made these recent comments in a recorded acceptance speech of the King-Mandela Peace Prize.
In his acceptance speech, Nelson begins by mentioning the “thousands of times he stood in an operating room, with people’s hearts in his hands.” Mentioning his illustrious and fulsome career that ended 40+ years ago, is something that the Mormon leader loves to do it seems.
Here’s the video:
When looking at the president’s Facebook page, one can find other videos as well as pictures of himself often times in an embrace-pose with someone who is infirm. There’s even a picture of president Nelson playing a grand piano.
Nelson posted just a few weeks ago that he is now starting to use a walker.
This is what he said:
You may have heard a rumor that someone saw me somewhere using a walker or a wheelchair. Well, it’s not a rumor. From time to time, I’m having a small challenge with my balance. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when little issues arise as I near the century mark. Gratefully, my heart is good, my spirit is strong as are my legs, and my brain still works. I love you my dear brothers and sisters, and am grateful every day to serve the Lord and you. Little challenges with balance should be the least of our worries. Onward and upward!
The comments praising president Nelson are interesting to read. Here are just a few examples:
So much for rumours. They are just that… I’m 82, still working. Plan to be at least 100 before I “retire” as that word implies. Or, with the way I’m going, perhaps I’ll change it to 120. I’m a past nurse so believe me, you are outstanding in all you do! No One, could have led us the way you led last Conference. What’s alittle walking stick, even that walking chair! Age!? None of that has a bearing to anything. My eyes see a prophet strong and clear. Thank you for all you do
It matters not whether you use wheelchair or walker. What matters is that you are a prophet of God. We love you and sustain you, President Nelson.
Thank you for being a shining example to all, including when it comes to following sound medical advice!
We love and sustain you Pres. Russel M. Nelson and your loving wife Sister Wendy W. Nelson. We pray for you both and love you very much. Thank you for your guidance and council in General conference. I also listen to Sister Nelson’s talks that have helped me greatly.Use it another 20 years!!! We want you to stay on this side of the veil as long as God allows!
You shouldn’t have to explain a walker. You are doing amazingly well for your age. We love and sustain you and thank Heavenly Father daily for a living prophet.
You are an inspiration to me with or without your walker. Onward Christian Soldier. I admire and love you Dear President Nelson!
We love you President! Thanks for always being an inspiration to us all. Onward and Upward!
We love you to president and we love that your such an example of Christ like love by helping people across the entire world and do your best to not let things stop you, your an inspiration to us all!!! Thankyou so much for all you do!!!
Hurrah for Israel! May the Lord continue to bless you and sustain you and the leaders of his church! The world needs every blessing it can get right now.
Thank you for being so open with the use of things that help to protect you. We are so blessed to have you. Your guidance is what we need in this world right now. We thank Thee o God for a Prophet. We pray for you and all the General authorizes and their families. Again thank you and Wendy’s great service to the Lord. Hear is a chuckle I heard from a Dr once as we asked about a daughter’s prognosis. He took off her shoe and then her sock. He then looked at her foot and in between her toes. Wrinkled his for head and said ” nope can’t find any expiration date”. I think of you that way too. Thank Heavenly Father.
Dear President Russell M. Nelson you have no idea how much these simple words helped my mother today as she has been having health issues!! Thank you thank you! #Onward&Upward
What a remarkable man this Prophet is!! You are SOOO loved by all!!
Oh dear Prophet you rock that walker like the prophet you are. Prayer for you always
I love and honour the Prophet of God for this day, for this world. Your extra wheels just shows your wisdom. Thank you for leading with strength, His authority, and His love. Love you President Nelson ⚘️
I don’t like rumors so I’m glad to hear from the honorable man and prophet of these latter days! I pray for you and with you as well as sustain you!! May God the father continue to bless you as well as us with your kind heart and service!!
As I read the caption of your post, it feels like I am hearing you say it. We love you, President Nelson. Thank you for your services.
There are more than 10,000 such comments…. which brings me to the president’s message on the importance of preaching against a host of isms.
Let’s begin with narcissism.
Narcissism is defined as:
- Excessive preoccupation with or admiration of oneself. synonym: conceit.
- A personality disorder characterized by self-preoccupation, need for admiration, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem.
- Erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one’s own body or self, especially as a fixation on or a regression to an infantile stage of development.
Many people in global leadership positions and/or who are driven by success, are tempted by and succomb to narcissism. Its effects are real. And in some instances, millions of people fall captive to the narcissism of such a person.
The next ism we should discern and preach against is idolism.
Idolism is defined as:
- The worship of idols.
- A false or misleading notion; fallacy.
We live in a world of self-promotion and idolatry. When a person places themself on a pedestal and highlights their life as an example to follow — better yet — when an entire religious group’s righteousness is measured by following a man perfectly, this is known as idolism. And it is a fallacy to do so, but is nonetheless held up as doctrine by those who benefit from it the most. Without any scriptural predicate.
The last ism I think we should focus on is activism. The LDS Church has been quite vocal in advocating for social causes the world deems popular under the highly praised and revered president Nelson. The UN Global 2030 Initiative has been one such cause the Church has aligned itself with.
Activism is defined as:
- The use of direct, often confrontational action, such as a demonstration or strike, in opposition to or support of a cause.
- a policy of taking direct and militant action to achieve a political or social goal.
- The practice of using action to achieve a result, such as political demonstration or a strike in support of or in opposition to an issue.
Sometimes activism is overt, such as when one openly preaches, protests, and/or gets involved politically. Other times activism is more passive and subtle. The church forcing BYU students, young missionaries, church workers and others to comply with their self-imposed Co-Vid19 vaccine mandates is a form of activism. In fact this is an example of a social issue being militantly pushed upon others with tremendous coercion and with untold consequences still to be determined.
Another overt display of activism recently was when the Church openly supported and officially endorsed the so called marriage equality act and made sure to send “church” representatives to the historic event for photos. Here’s one of Elder Jack Gerard of the Seventy with former Oregon LDS senator Gordon Smith and former Mormon and current gay political activist Senator Kyrsten Sinema posing together at the signing of the new law.
The Church’s activism was also on full display in April 2021, when then Church general authority Sharon Eubank, showcased queerness at BYU at a women’s conference where all manner of false doctrine was taught and applauded:
As things progress towards the Second Coming, we are tasked with the duty to discern between truth and error. No matter how kind we may feel by “loving” and tolerating some person or some cause, when we lose the ability to discern between truth and error, the greater concern is that it may lead to also becoming past feeling and unable to be guided by the Holy Ghost.
And when an institution we have long loved and been loyal to betrays us, I know the task becomes more difficult… I know this from my own personal experiences. But, the task is the same. The way is strait and the gate is narrow to our Lord and we may often feel alone and abandoned on the journey that leads to Him.
May we not be confused by the host of isms that seek to carefully lead us down to hell.