We are at the greatest crossroads our nation has perhaps ever faced. Our Constitution literally hangs by a thread. Every freedom we hold dear is in jeopardy. Our speech and even our very ideas are already being censored and controlled. This is real. How it’s happening is beyond me, but it is happening.
Our freedom to worship is being controlled. Some in our country are still not allowed to attend Church, even after almost a year of staying home. Utah just imposed, by illegal governor decree, new stricter regulations that prevent visitors in our own homes. Sports are canceled. Masks must now be worn everywhere and by all, businesses not complying will receive a $10,000 fine per incident. What world are we living in? And why is conservative Utah all of a sudden going the other way? Does it have anything to do with the so-called “president-elect Joe Biden?” Is this in preparation for a new Pharoah and for his new reign? So we can “practice” getting along with the new socialist administration?
And yet, this presidential race is far from over. And every Constitution-loving soul should raise their voice and contribute to the cause in any legal, ethical way they feel inspired to!

I want to know where the dissent is among Latter-day Saints. Where is the outrage? Where is the fight? Where are the patriots who cannot, who WILL NOT let this nation be ripped from us? Are you so focused on “obeying the laws of the land” that you will let our very laws be upended? Does one obey the new “laws” under a Hitler regime? Or do you fight against them? Do you practice “diplomacy” or do you practice dissent?
So much is at stake! The promise of court-packing and added liberal states and Senators. Eliminating the electoral college. The continuation of big brother-big tech, unchecked. Revenge enemy lists being compiled by leftists. Social credit. The complete destruction (perhaps intentional) of our economy. Hollywood at the helm. The DOJ and military corrupted further, weaponized to spy on and punish citizens. And every scandal we’ve seen!?… will disappear as quickly as Hillary’s emails. They will control everything and will never let go again.
This election was not just about ideas or left versus right. Democrat versus Republican. It is literally the last battle over our Gentile nation. The City on the Hill. This is not just another election where “ya win some and ya lose some.” This was and is the most important election in American history. If it’s lost, America is gone.

And yet, Mitt Romney, the Mormon Senator (not from Utah), is doing TV interview after TV interview, praising Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the winners of this uncertified, still contested election. “This election was a referendum on one man…on a personality… Trump should display grace, which he’s incapable of and make this a peaceful transition… to a good man and a woman of great character, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.” Mormon Jeff Flake even voted for Joe Biden! As is likely for Romney.
How dare our Senator undermine our election process!? Romney basks in the sunlight as if somehow vindicated by the media promoted, alleged Biden victory. I pray to God Romney is wrong.
Meanwhile, it’s not over by any stretch. Not so long as good people stand up and speak the truth. And the truth is, as surely the whole world suspects, this election is being stolen. This is not conspiracy talk. This is reality. And if they can succeed this time, they will succeed every time.
And by the way Senator Romney, we have a process wherein the Mainstream Media does not declare winners and losers of elections. That’s not their job and it’s sure as hell not yours. Yes, we believe in a free press but that does not make you and them our election arbiters. Romney’s complicity in meddling in the results of this election, I hope will never be forgotten.
Romney, as a Mormon, should know better. The Church, I pray, does not share his arrogant, shortsighted world view. Mormons have led so many great causes! Prop 8, as one example. The fight against Gay Marriage. They have stood for religious liberty! For America! For freedom!
But, has the Church lost some perspective also? Why doesn’t it denounce Mitt Romney and Jeff Flake and Frank Fox? Has the Church become so globally focused that its allegiance to America is dissipating? They make deals with communist nations and pay fees (bribes) to advance their cause abroad. This is a reality. I did business in China for years and I can tell you that in order to ship packages from China to the US, you have to bribe the Chinese government. Just to ship a package. Imagine what goes on to get missionaries into countries or to get meetinghouses and temples approved and built.
Has the Church become too comfortable with its ability to influence governments with its billions of dollars and with its diplomatic and legal prowess so that it’s okay with America becoming just another lost nation? Where is the dissent from the Church? An election is being STOLEN right before our eyes! Where is your press release? Where is your statement on election integrity? On the Consitution being an inspired document? Does our Godly inspired Constitution not merit the dissent of a Church, or its leaders and its people, when crimes against it are being committed? Do you really think we can afford to let it slip away? Let others fight the good fight and we say and do nothing?
The Church’s website today, as this election is contested, and while our Constitution hangs in the balance, highlights this article:

Is this prophetic? Is this seership? Elder Oaks may want to know that #BLM tweeted this after election night, “F*ck Trump, F*ck Biden, death to America! We want something better than this trash, and we’re going to take it.” (Source)
Who is racist Elder Oaks? Them or us? Should the Church really be focused on fake racism and playing into the false liberal narrative while an election is being stolen? What do you wish to accomplish by giving them a voice? Not a mention of the election or of the Constitution. Sad.
I was on Twitter on the eve of the election last week and saw that there was a call to prayer organized by Lara Trump. Curious, I joined in. There were dozens and dozens of prominent Christian leaders, each displayed in a little Zoom box on the computer screen. Each participant took turns praying. Pleading. Begging God to bless our nation with four more years of Donald Trump. They each listed their reasons as they petitioned our Lord. The unborn children being slaughtered. The forces trying to destroy the family. To maintain our freedoms of religion and of speech and to be able to bear arms. Prayers against the lasciviousness of Hollywood and the perverse sexualization of our nation. The prayers went on for well over an hour. One could hear the sincerity of these heartfelt prayers. Some were emotional. All were passionate. There were many amens and praises to God. I knelt down in reverence and raised my hands towards heaven in prayer with these fellow Christians I did not know. As they prayed I remarked at how different our LDS prayers are from theirs. As they finally concluded, they thanked all the Christian churches which they said included “almost all Christian faiths.” But I noticed that there were no LDS church leaders on this call. Not a single LDS prayer.
The Christians of this nation, by and large, support our President. They know that he, although imperfect, IS a fierce defender of our Constitution. He supports life. He supports freedom. He supports and loves our country. He is FOR the rule of law. I assume the LDS Church also holds these values dear, but I’m not sure they support our President. I hope and I pray BYU Professor Frank Fox is wrong. I hope the Brethren are at least secretly supporting him.
IF they are supporting him, I would suggest that now is the time to be making it clear where our Church stands! Do we stand with our fellow Christians? Can we proclaim that we will suffer death rather than give up our freedoms? Our right to defend ourselves? To worship where and how and when we choose! With all its influence in Utah, why isn’t the Church pushing to open our state rather than shut it down?
A word on this pandemic. I can say it, because I’m not a Church leader or a politician trying to keep his office. This IS NOT a PANDEMIC! AND YET, look at the freedoms we have relinquished when ONLY 230,000 people (MAYBE) have died “with” CoVid. Not 7+ million as some false prophet-fool had proclaimed. Now, I recognize that many people are vulnerable to this virus. Those people should be careful like one would with any virus or flu. The rest of us should be business as usual. We should not live in fear. We should not wear masks unless we are somehow vulnerable. I have tried to catch this virus! And as Dave Chapelle says, “It’s as hard to catch as the kid from Home Alone!” This is a plandemic, not a pandemic. I bet a dollar that this was a Chinese designed virus aimed at helping the world get rid of Trump. Call it crazy. But if you think this is a pandemic, I’m sorry, THE SCIENCE you worship simply does not support it.
Your “scientists” are the same ones counting votes in MI and PA and WI and GA and Nevada. The same scientists who created Dominion Voting Systems (interesting name). The software now in question for having potentially changed millions of votes in 28 states. The software that the Clinton Foundation has helped fund. The word dominion means to dominate, rule, or control, among other things. The Left is absolutely trying to unrighteously dominate this election. To dominate our Nation and to surrender US to the Global Society.
This is a time of great urgency. Most of us see it for what it is. This is the fight for our nation. If America goes, the world goes. Millions, if not billions will suffer and will die, IF and WHEN we lose America. The Church will not flourish under Biden and under Socialism. It will perish. The world economy will perish. Our freedom to worship will be conditioned and controlled. It is foolish to try to be friendly with a Biden Harris regime. WE MUST FIGHT AGAINST IT! There is still time!
Let us remember the words of Winston Churchill and let us DISSENT from this current trend to ACCEPT the results of a FAKE election!:
“We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France (Michigan and in Pennsylvania and in Georgia and in Arizona and in Wisconsin), we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”
My words added in parantheses.
STAND UP PATRIOTS! STAND UP LATTER-DAY SAINTS! DO NOT LET THIS election be stolen! This should be our battle cry! We MUST flood the airwaves and the Internet with our VOICES! We MUST fill the streets! We MUST RALLY for the cause of AMERICA!

Zion will come, that is certain. But, we will not be worthy of Zion if we do not fight for the very system God ordained it to stem from. America and the Constitution are the templates and while Jehovah may replace it with His Kingdom, WE MUST FIGHT FOR WHAT HE HAS ALREADY ESTABLISHED. In my humble opinion. It is not a coincidence that an earthquake knocked a trump from the Angel Moroni’s lips this year, just as the Plandemic was starting and now the year ends with a Trump being robbed of our 72 million votes. The trumps are sounding and the Lord shall soon return. But to stop fighting for righteousness IS NO WAY TO PREPARE FOR HIS RETURN.