If you’re like me, you haven’t slept well for weeks. It feels like we’re living in some alternate reality. I’ve spoken to hundreds of other people who are fervently praying that this attempted coup of our country fails. Surely we can’t go down like this. Not the Nation Under God, the City on the Hill! Not the Land our Fathers and Mothers have fought for — have given their lives for!
My family came to this land in 1635. I’m so grateful to my great-great—grandfather who commandeered his own small vessel to the British American colonies in search of something greater. Like many of your ancestors, mine fought in all the great wars that have preserved our freedoms. They fought for both the North and the South in the Civil War that nearly destroyed our Great Union of States. They truly gave their wealth, their honor and their lives for what we have so richly enjoyed.
No nation on earth has what America has — a divinely given Constitution, and a people whose majority still hopefully worship Almighty God. While I worry that our days our numbered as a nation, I am still praying we survive this latest attempted coup. Please Dear Lord, if it be Your Will, spare Your vineyard a little longer.
When I was in DC, an attorney named Sidney Powell made a statement that they were going to “release the Kraken.” Sidney Powell is one of the most feared and respected lawyers in America. She was admitted to law school at age 19 and has had an amazing career. She’s best known lately for taking over representation for General Michael Flynn, who was pardoned today by President Trump, after being set up by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Jim Comey and others in a seditious hoax obstruction trap. His family was threatened by a vile and corrupt DOJ led by the aforementioned criminal politicians, and so he pled guilty to false charges, which plea he later withdrew.
Although I knew Powell was credible, “releasing the Kraken” seemed like hyperbole. But, she continued to mention it, nearly every time she spoke.

And then, Lin Wood, another amazing attorney from Georgia, known for his representation of Richard Jewell, Nicolas Sandman, and Kyle Rittenhouse — and who is consulting Sidney Powell and indirectly the Trump team, recently re-posted something about what the Kraken might actually be:

Click on the link above to learn more. According to this article, the “Kraken” is actually a DoD-run cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks various other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions by the deep state. Trump loyalists in the Air Force, Space Command and now in certain sectors of the DoD and even the NSA have all the evidence of vote fraud and election-related treason. Trump has all this now and will be using it against the enemies of America very soon.” (see source)
Now, admittedly when I read this and saw that the mainstream news media (MSM) was reporting that the Trump administration was distancing itself from Powell (and I assumed Wood), I became discouraged that perhaps this is all hyperbole and too good to be true.
As I write this, and as a skeptic, I concede and admit that it all still sounds too good to be true, BUT I do think the following ideas are very interesting and promising:
- Now we know that Sidney Powell and the Trump legal team have simply bifurcated their legal arguments. This allows Powell to be a little more bold in her approach without risking all the claims and arguments. She’s attacking Dominion Voting Systems among other things. She can go for the jugular without tainting Trump.
- “Powell is registered as a military lawyer and can prosecute treason…” (Source)
- Upon concern that Trump has been strangely quiet of late, Powell tweeted to not worry that “Trump can now sit back and relax and watch because he has released the Kraken…”
- Lin Wood has mentioned numerous times that “Biden is going to Prison.” And that hundreds of other high ranking officials and people will go to prison when all comes to light. Everyone will be exposed! He said it will shock us to find out who has occupied the White House in past administrations. Pedophiles and criminals. Bold indeed!
- If Lin Wood (or Sidney Powell) was tweeting something false about the military (i.e. the DOD program Kraken), one would think that General Flynn would correct him or ask Sidney to.
- Even Twitter doesn’t censor Wood. Remember he just won a defamation case for a rumored $250,000,000 against CNN for his 18 year old client Nicholas Sandman. He is both credible and feared.
- Trump mysteriously and abruptly fired his Defense Secretary Mark Esper immediately after the election and replaced him with Christopher Miller, a known Trump loyalist and patriot who was acting as the Director of National Counterterrorism. No one knows what to think of this. Why fire and replace your DOD secretary when you fear election fraud?
- Miller immediately led a DOD seizure of servers located in Germany, that are believed to contain evidence of election fraud and foreign interference, among other criminal activities. These servers were alleged to be CIA servers…
- This seizure was done without the CIA’s (Gina Haspel) and without the DOJ’s (Chris Wray/Bill Barr) knowledge. It seems unprecedented to take CIA servers or any servers without consulting these two department heads.
- The DOJ has already said it won’t be doing anything to investigate election fraud. This is also shocking and makes NO SENSE. Now, I know some are convinced that the DOJ and FBI are completely incompetent, but even as corrupt as they may be, NOT investigating fraud in this year’s election seems implausible…
- Unless DOD is handling it!!!! I.e. the release of the Kraken! Miller and Trump may very well be acting to protect against enemies domestic and foreign and won’t be needing DOJ for now. Are we talking war crimes? Espionage charges? Military tribunals?
- Then last night Trump tweeted the same story as Lin Wood:

- Why on earth would President Trump, who is in charge of the military, tweet a story that isn’t true?
- Is this the Trump card? Trump knew this was coming and warned it would be the greatest fraud we have ever seen, even greater than the Russia and impeachment hoaxes. When I heard that I thought it was just Trump being dramatic. None of us could have imagined, after all we’ve seen in 2020, that there would be something bigger than CoVid, Russia Hoax, Impeachment Hoax, etc.
- And because he knew it was coming, it would seem impossible for Trump to do nothing to prepare….
- In 2018, Trump signed an executive order (EO) that very few people are aware of, which “created command structure to combat election fraud.” (See it here)
- This EO declares a State of Emergency and gives the president and his administration very broad powers to combat election interference. Ironically, this EO was seen as a Trump apology by the MSM so as to appear as to be concerned with the election interference he and Russia were accused of in 2016, i.e. the first great conspiracy against Trump, which included illegal, treasonous spying on American citizens with fraudulently acquired warrants. Now it appears it may have been a brilliant move by Trump who knew this was coming.
Meanwhile, the MSM and many dishonest and/or foolish people have coronated their president-elect Biden into an office that doesn’t even exist, and before the electoral college or even the States have certified the results. Trump has vowed he is not conceding.
I should also point out that Wood and Powell and others have accused Republican and Democratic governors of making backdoor deals with China during the CoVid pandemic and of self interested deals with Dominion.
I still believe Trump will pull this off. Even while Biden picks his cabinet and picks out his drapes. Notice that Kamala Harris has yet to quit her Senate seat. They are all pretending like they’ve won and like Trump is being a pig for not conceding, and the MSM is acting like there isn’t a shred of evidence of fraud. Ignore the fact that Pennsylvania sent out 1.8 million mail in ballots and received 2.5 million back. Ignore the 4 am data dumps all for Biden that overcame 800,000 vote leads in one state alone. Ignore the hundreds of whistleblowers and the thousands of eye witnesses. Ignore all the video! Ignore the truth and tell us we are crazy. Trump was impeached because of ONE whistleblower who proved to be a corrupt insider and who wasn’t even a firsthand eyewitness! And here, we have countless whistleblowers and thousands of pages of affidavits from eyewitnesses and yet no one cares!!!!! I have news for you — America isn’t going down like this.
And I’m sorry, but where is Mitt Romney? Where was President Nelson when he had the opportunity in his address to the world? Is it too “political” to make a statement as the Church President and as a World Global Faith Leader (as he’s being now called) to call out lies, corruption, cheating, fraud and scandal as it pertains to one of our most important institutions? I know he made a casual reference to “dishonesty,” but it was very broad.
Why is Lin Wood, an attorney in Georgia, more bold and more righteously indignant about this attempted coup than the President of the only true and living Church? More inspiring? Aren’t the prophets suppose to weigh in on such things? Moroni sure did. Joseph Smith sure did. Ezra Taft Benson sure did. Moroni wrote letters to Pahoran, the Governor and called him out for what he thought was sedition. He warned he would come and destroy Pahoran or anyone who sought to overthrow their freedoms.
Is the Church so concerned about its “safety” that it will never again be courageous in its statements on abortion, LBGTQ issues, socialism and communism, the Constitution… or unwilling to call out fraud when it threatens to literally topple our government? The very government that is intended to protect our religious freedoms! Biden and the Leftists literally want to encourage 5 year olds to embrace their transgenderism. Just google it. It should disgust anyone from any background. Why would the Church NOT be more vocal against such important issues? About this election being stolen by those who promise to turn our Nation into a perverted, progressive, hedonist paradise!
There are even Democrats like Overstock founder Patrick Byrnes who are standing up to fight! Why? Because it’s the right thing to do! And if good people do nothing, evil prevails and in this case NO ONE WILL EVER BE ABLE TO HAVE CONFIDENCE IN THEIR VOTE AGAIN!
Instead, we are told to use the very social media platforms complicit in stealing this election to #givethanks. It’s like saying, “Hey, I know the boat we’re on is sinking, but let’s take 7 days to carve the things we’re grateful for onto the ship’s walls.” Hell no, I say! Get up and do something to help save this our Country! And while you’re at it, get OFF social media!
Let’s all pray in the meantime, that Release the Kraken or something like unto it is real. I think if this darkness is exposed and people finally go to prison for their crimes, and for a brief moment truth prevails, I will fall to my knees and weep. I could be wrong in all this, but I will for now speak what I believe to be truth.
I am consoled to know that our Lord loved His Nation too. His will be done, not ours, on earth and in Heaven and may glory be to Him, who is Worthy, forever and ever, Amen and Amen.