The scriptures warn us that in the last days there will be prophets who do not prophesy and seers who do not see (Isaiah 30:10). Jesus also warned that there would be false prophets and an abundance of men teaching their own precepts to get gain, so that even the very elect will be deceived (2 Nephi 26:29; JS Matthew 1:22).
As Latter-day Saints we must learn what a true prophet is and we must learn to discern between true and false prophets lest we also be deceived.
The scriptures provide a standard by which we can all judge. Simply put, a prophet must have the spirit of prophecy in order to be a true prophet. This is the sign.
As we watch General Conference we should look for the spirit of prophecy. We should measure carefully what is being said. We should pray that those who we sustain as prophets will prophesy and speak prophetically because when prophets and seers, prophesy and see, they become a great benefit to their fellow man (Mosiah 8:18). This is the means whereby we can receive salvation.
If men who are called prophets do not have the spirit of prophecy we can know they are false prophets. Nephi gives us an important bar by which we can measure:
Wherefore, hearken, O my people, which are of the house of Israel, and give ear unto my words; for because the words of Isaiah are not plain unto you, nevertheless they are plain unto all those that are filled with the spirit of prophecy (2 Nephi 25:4).
All prophets will understand the words of Isaiah. They will also share the testimony of the Savior and of Nephi and others that the words of Isaiah are great! (3 Nephi 23:1).
When’s the last time you heard an LDS prophet give a talk on the words of Isaiah in General Conference? When Jesus came to the Nephites, He gave them the “commandment to search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah.” Do the servants of the Lord today emphasize this same commandment?
In a cursory search on, I found 21 books on the topic of Isaiah:
Isaiah For Airheads By John Bytheway
Understanding Isaiah By Jay A. Parry, Donald W. Parry
Isaiah Decoded By Avraham Gileadi
Isaiah: Prophet, Seer and Poet By Victor L. Ludlow
Making Isaiah Plain By Randal S. Chase
Apocalyptic Commentary of the Book of Isaiah By Avraham Gileadi
Unlocking Isaiah in the Book of Mormon By Victor L. Ludlow
Making Sense of Isaiah: Insights and Modern Applications By Nathan Winn, Terry B. Ball
Isaiah, Plain and Simple: The Message of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon By Hoyt W. Brewster, Jr.
Opening Isaiah By Ann Madsen
Unlocking Isaiah By Reg Christensen
Isaiah for Today By *Mark E. Petersen
Understanding the Words of Isaiah By Terry B. Ball
The Literary Message of Isaiah By Avraham Gileadi
Great Are the Words of Isaiah By Monte S. Nyman
Isaiah in the Book of Mormon By The Neal A. Maxwell Institute at BYU, John W. Welch, Amalphi Arts
Isaiah and the Prophets: Inspired Voices from the Old Testament By Monte S. Nyman
Isaiah: The Times of Fulfillment: A Verse-by-Verse Commentary By Ivan D. Sanderson
End from the Beginning: The Apocalyptic Vision of Isaiah By Avraham Gileadi
Commentaries on Isaiah in the Book of Mormon By K. Douglas Bassett
Making Precious Things Plain, Vol. 8: Old Testament Study Guide: Deuteronomy to Isaiah By Randal S. Chase
Of the 21 books for sale, only ONE past prophet, Mark Petersen, has written a book on Isaiah. Today’s prophets write books such as: Counseling With Our Councils, The Christmas Train, A Future As Bright As Your Faith, To The Rescue, Forget Me Not, and 21 Principles.
All the above may be excellent topics, but why do today’s LDS prophets not speak or write of Isaiah? Why do they not rejoice in his words? Why do they not explain what his words mean? If these words are so great and so relevant to us in our day, why are the so called prophets not using their “spirit of prophecy” in a way that would render Isaiah’s vital words easier to understand?
Is it possible that these prophets do not understand the words of Isaiah? If so, can they be true prophets? Jesus said “ALL who have the spirit of prophecy” will easily understand Isaiah’s words. They will comprehend them in plainness. If these prophets rely upon trained scholars to understand Isaiah, would this be evidence that such men are not true prophets? I leave that for you to judge.
The best book I’ve ever read on Isaiah is written by a man named Denver Snuffer who the Church has foolishly excommunicated.
I invite you to read this book and decide if Brother Snuffer has the spirit of prophecy or not. If his witness is true, we would all do well to take his words very seriously.