Satan’s Dominion

Published by anonbish on

I was privileged to be one of more than 1 million peaceful protesters in Washington DC this past weekend. I felt strongly I needed to be there. I’ve been feeling strongly about a lot of things lately. I decided to cancel all my social media accounts last week. Many in Big Tech believe they are the lawful arbiters of free speech. They censor anyone who disagrees with them. They are peddling propaganda and I believe are complicit in trying to steal this year’s elections. These companies are so self-righteously smug and hypocritical. They let psychopaths livestream beheadings and publish porn, but won’t let someone share conservative ideas that oppose their viewpoint and expose their agenda. They are bullies and it is they who are Fascists and who control free speech.

I also canceled mainstream news, most notably Fox News. It’s obvious these people mock us who love our country, our God, our families, and our religion. And they too, are complicit in the fake polling and in encouraging election fraud, in part by sustaining this fake president elect even before he’s been certified as such and while the election is being legally contested in many states by countless parties. It’s obvious to any honest person that there was massive fraud in this election, and yet almost no mainstream media outlet wants to look into it. It’s shameful and it’s treasonous.

I’ve also canceled the NBA, NFL, MLB, MLS, and Hollywood. I canceled Netflix and YouTubeTV and many other Apps. They all want to cancel us and our freedom, so I’ve decided to cancel them. I can’t just sit back and let these people take over our nation. None of us freedom loving people can.

I was surprised when I landed in DC at how few American flags there were. There used to be one on every building and on every lapel. But this time it felt dark. People dressed in black and many people openly sharing their disgust for our president and for our “system” that they say is only working for a few, privileged white people. One Uber driver said she hoped things never returned to “normal.” “The masks are great, the riots and violence are great.” She and many other locals seemed very happy with BLM and Antifa. “It’s time to burn it all down and do something different.”

I became discouraged that my trip was in vain and that perhaps few people would attend the pro America rally the next day on November 14th.

Then, I began to see people here and there in town and at our hotel, who were coming in from all over the country with flags on their cars. People wearing Make America Great Again hats and Trump t-shirts. It gave me some hope.

The next day as I walked to Freedom Plaza to meet the group, I became overwhelmed with emotion. There were not hundreds, or thousands of people. There were hundreds OF thousands and some said, as many as 2 million people, in attendance! A sea of red, white, and blue! Families, small children, baby strollers, moms, dads, old people, vets, people in wheelchairs. Singing the national anthem, and God Bless America. Chanting USA! People of all colors and from all backgrounds! From all 50 states and from many countries! I met people from Chile and China and Hong Kong. Almost no one wearing masks, in fact many saying they believed that CoVid was not a pandemic at all. Chinese people handing out anti-CCP literature alleging that China created and let this virus loose to do exactly what we are witnessing. To destroy Western civilization and to get rid of Trump.

I began to walk with these patriots and was so profoundly touched that I was not alone in my love for my country! The Amish were there! Catholic priests! Jews! I sang with them. I prayed with them. No one social distanced. People shook my hand, gave me hugs, spit in my face as they talked! It was so refreshing to be human again. To be American again!

Surely if CoVid as a veritable pandemic is real, which I don’t believe it is, this should be the greatest super spreader event of the century! 1+ million people from all 50 states going home after zero social distancing and no masks. Time will tell.

There was such a contrast between these people who descended upon Washington and those who live there. Many who feed off the DC swamp seemingly have lost their way. These Patriots came in and with their singing and smiling faces, brought a Spirit back to this spiritually war torn Capitol. A Spirit that said, “WE WILL NOT HAVE OUR FREEDOM STOLEN FROM US! WE WILL NOT LET THIS BE DONE IN DARKNESS!”

After we sang the National Anthem, a huge bird (hawk or eagle) appeared out of nowhere and flew directly over our heads and circled around. A woman near me cried out, “It’s a sign!”

I have never experienced anything quite like this in all my life. At one point, president Trump was said to have driven through part of the crowd, waving and smiling and showing his gratitude for the outpouring of support.

Here are some more pictures from this amazing day.

We listened to rousing patriotic speeches from Congressional leaders. There were TV personalities. My favorite speech was from a black democrat named Vernon Jones. He was awesome! We visited with each other. There was no violence. No arguing. Everyone was friendly and all felt safe. I noticed as I talked to people that there was a consensus that this election is being stolen from President Trump and from many other Republican candidates and that NONE of these people were willing to stand idly by and let it happen.

This was in stark contrast to what I was sensing from the locals I met who not only celebrated a Biden victory, but who also were doing all they could to show support for BLM and Antifa. Signs in windows and in front of churches. Perhaps so that they would not be vandalized or perhaps because they too are fooled into sympathy for a transgender terrorist organization.

As the million+ crowd of American patriots peacefully dispersed, and as it became dark, Antifa and BLM took to the streets and began to terrorize these good people. This was a picture of them as they walked by where we sat for dinner on the sidewalk. Sadly, the local couple next to us began cheering and dancing when these animals blasted their F-Trump rap music and spewed vile racist profanity. One of their gangster leaders had a megaphone and was getting everyone all riled up. He looked at me and I thought he might come over and harass us as we ate. The restaurant owner ran out and began cheering for them! Moments earlier I watched her turn down a large party of young college student MAGA supporters, saying their group was too large, even though there was plenty of room in her restaurant. It was all very unsettling.

This man with the megaphone was later arrested for knocking out a man out for no reason, among many other things. He has a criminal record and is a convicted child molester.

And then these evil animals stomped and kicked this innocent man as he lay in the street. What was his crime? He supported his president. He loved his country.

I went back to my hotel room and watched the news of other violence and like you, I became so angry and at one point just cried. Children, old people, special needs people — all being tormented by these criminals who hate America.

A week earlier, many of these same people danced in the streets. Ignoring their own rules of social distancing. They had no flags. No red, white, and blue.

No Trump supporters attacked them. They were allowed to express themselves without any concern for their well-being.

The only flags to be seen across the country for those celebrating a Biden victory, seem only to be Gay Pride flags. I think this shows where their allegiance lies.

As I watch these events unfold, I mourn what I witness to be the unraveling of our great nation.

America is still a little behind nation’s like Germany who are breaking into people’s homes to arrest them for being “anti-lockdown.” Videos like this one below should truly be disturbing IF in fact this Doctor is being arrested for not complying with CoVid lockdown laws.

I say we are “close behind”, but I’m not sure that’s accurate. Even here in Utah, our rights are being trampled upon by our Governor. And we’ve seen soccer moms arrested and pepper sprayed for not having a mask on while outside in some states. And now these crazies are canceling Thanksgiving and trying to control our freedom to assemble.

I personally am not conceding nor will I give up! It is 100% obvious to me and millions of others that this election was rigged and that these evil people want to take over our country. I predict that the fraud will be uncovered sufficiently so as to secure a Trump victory and possibly even control of the House in addition to the Senate. It would be ironic if the new Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett breaks any tie in the Supreme Court. If I’m wrong, which is very possible, it may be peaceful enough in the short term, but it will be the end of the USA as we know it.

I am so grateful for people like Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, attorneys advising the Trump administration. They are people of unquestioned integrity. They are truth tellers, patriots, and spiritual warriors. May God bless them and protect them. May we all pray for them and for our President.

I’m almost more concerned about what happens if and when my prediction comes true and Trump wins. I think it could be the beginning of a civil war. When it is shown that this and MOST elections in our world are pre-determined by a group of global elites whose “dominion” covers the entire earth, the very jaws of hell will gape open. Darkness will rear its vile head and inspire the hearts of men to violence like we have never seen.

And the Kraken has been released…

So, what will you do to defend our Constitution? What can we do? I’d say join in peaceful rallies and protests. Call our nation’s leaders. Write them. Email them. Let them know how you feel! Fast and pray. Get your house in order. What’s at stake? Everything good. If we lose this battle, we lose our nation.

Tomorrow the president of the LDS Church will address the world. I hope and I pray that he talks about the importance of our Constitution, our freedoms, and our religious liberty. I hope he denounces specifically the violence of BLM and Antifa. I hope he does not say a word about “racism” — further fueling that false narrative of those organizations. I hope he’s bold! I hope he does NOT allege or assume that Joe Biden has won this election. I hope he denounces cheating and fraud and I hope he calls it out. I hope he speaks in favor of the rule of law. I hope he encourages people to get involved in the fight for freedom. I hope he reminds church members to get involved and to not be afraid to exercise God-given rights. I hope he calls out the hoax of this “pandemic.” I hope he calls for faith and not fear. I hope he reminds us that we have a right and a duty to be civilly disobedient to laws and edicts that are unconstitutional. I hope he doesn’t cave to the whims of political correctness and bow the knee to hypocrites making policies they themselves are unwilling to obey. I hope President Nelson stands up for truth tomorrow.

This is communism and socialism or it is freedom. This is good versus evil. This is gay marriage in our temples and the continuation of their leftist indoctrination of our children. This is abortion on demand and court packing. This is give me liberty or give me death. This is about Dominion. We now know that they cheat and once they are back in power, their dominion will be over the entire world.

President Nelson has an opportunity to clarify where the Church stands, rather than leaving it to LDS politicians.


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