Wagering One’s Soul

BYU American Heritage icon Frank Fox, spoke out recently against the President of the United States and made the bold claim that he would “bet his eternal salvation” that the Brethren were not quietly supporting President Trump, as Mike Pence is alleged to have said recently in Arizona.
Mr. Fox begins his letter by reminding readers of his bonafides and noting that he’s worked directly with the First Presidency on many important matters over the years. Fox sets the stage so as to say that “he would know,” if the Brethren were voting for and supporting President Trump or not. And he’s so confident that they’re not, that he’s willing to wager his soul on the question.
This is from his letter:
One final comment. It was recently reported that Vice President Pence, in visiting Arizona, intimated that the General Authorities of the LDS Church were quietly supporting the President. I will bet my eternal salvation against that. The values of patriotism, truthfulness, justice, honor, decency and respect for the law are deeply ingrained in LDS culture. Few church members in full possession of the facts would condone what I have described above. (My emphasis added)

IF this is true, the Brethren wouldn’t be the only prominent members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints “unable and unwilling” to support Trump. Jeff Flake, former Senator of Arizona, is so anti-Trump, that he’s joined a coalition of like-minded Republicans, whose sole focus is to make sure Biden beats Trump this November. Flake also voted against Conservative Justice Kavanaugh and threatened other political tricks to show his disdain for the President as he was leaving his senatorial seat.

Evan McMullin, failed presidential candidate in 2016, whose sole purpose in running for president, was with the hopes that LDS people all over (especially in Utah) would vote their “consciences” as the Brethren were signaling, and thus create a brokered convention, where the Republican Party would choose a candidate other than Trump to run against Hillary, is another die hard LDS never Trumper. The posturing was all pointing to Mitt Romney to save the election just like he “saved the Olympics” — after all, he was leading the charge against Trump, “the phony, the fraud, the film flam man,” as Romney openly name called him. This was his and McMullin’s and maybe the Church’s plan to get Romney in instead of Trump. Now it would seem that Romney’s only goal in the Senate today is to “protect the world from Trump.“ He made history as the only Republican Senator to vote to impeach and remove Trump from the Office of President and yesterday announced proudly that he had voted in Utah and NOT for Trump. This, despite Trump’s many endorsements and support of Romney over the decades.

Are we, as members of the Church, to believe that this anti-Trump sentiment also exists among the 15 top leaders of the Church and that they too will NOT be voting for President Trump? The Brethren do not ever signal that they disagree with Mitt Romney, Jeff Flake, Evan McMullin, Frank Fox and other LDS public figures. They’ve not said otherwise. Is it possible that these LDS political voices are simply a reflection of private conversations with LDS Church leaders? I sure hope not.
Let me tell you why I believe the Brethren and every member of the Church SHOULD be voting for President Trump this November. (Assuming we believe Gospel principles matter).
First of all, let’s establish one important reality: NOT voting for Trump, IS a vote for Biden. And a vote for Biden IS a vote for a long list of things that should offend freedom loving religious people of all faiths.
- Abortion
- Gay marriage
- Liberal Supreme Court Justices
- The abolishment of the Electoral College
- The continued advancement of Transgender “laws”
- The advancement of pedophilia
- The continued legalization of drugs
- Higher taxes
- More Federal regulations
- Court-packing
- Adding DC and Puerto Rico as States making it impossible for conservatives to win the Senate or the Presidency or the House.
- Orwellian News Control (see Facebook and Twitter as 2 examples of many)
- Using the IRS to punish conservatives (see what Obama did D’Souza and many others)
- The end of Conservatism as we know it
- Closed down economies for “pandemics”
- Closing down Churches for our “public safety”
- Mask shaming
- Riots
- #BLM
- Antifa legitimized
- Defunding police
- Defunding the military
- Green New Deal
- The destruction of our economy
- The punishment of anyone not complying or supporting
- And much more…
Now, for any who believe my list is exaggerated, I would cite you to research each of the topics listed above. It’s all out there. From liberal media outlets such as Netflix who are in legal and criminal jeopardy for their movie “Cuties” that glamorizes child sexuality — to today’s news that Joe Biden will appoint a commission to “review the Supreme Court’s number of seats” — to Facebook and Twitter being subpoenaed for playing news gods. This list IS what today’s Liberal leftists are pushing for.
If the Brethren are in fact in favor of anyone but Trump, as Professor Fox suggests in his open letter, and are voting accordingly, then here is my open letter to them:
Dear Brethren,
You have spent your entire lives teaching us members of the Church to uphold and sustain righteousness and to discern between truth and error. You have preached against such evils as abortion and homosexuality and have spent millions of tithing dollars in the fight against gay marriage. And we finally have a President who is nominating conservative Supreme Court Justices and hundreds of other conservative Federal Judges across this nation, thus setting the stage to overturn Roe v. Wade, gay marriage, Obamacare, and who knows, maybe even Federal Income tax AND YOUR consciences won’t let you support the man responsible for all this? With all due respect, what on earth are you thinking?
You who call yourselves Prophets and Apostles should be able to see that good is coming from President Trump’s presidency.
Have you forgotten Israel? Has Israel ever had a better ally than President Trump? Look at the peace he and his administration are negotiating in the Middle East! Is this of no value? This is Biblically historic! Obama, Biden, Bushes, Clinton and Hillary did the opposite in the Middle East. They promoted war and desolation. Trump should be given a dozen Nobel Peace prizes for what he’s doing. Instead, he’s given no credit and he’s treated like a buffoon. Under Hillary and Biden and Obama, we got Benghazi. Which, once they unitedly decided to let a US Ambassador and several other American soldiers die, they then fabricated a lie that the attack on the US Embassy in Libya was caused by a video that offended Islam. They are liars and they are murderers. One of my best and dearest childhood friends was killed in Afghanistan. How many more souls will be lost fighting wars, that if they ever had a moral foundation, are immediately politicized by traitors and cowards — most often Democrat politicians and the liberal media. NO President has done more in the last 20 years than President Trump in bringing soldiers home from unending global wars. We should be praising God for that.
Has anyone done more than Trump to uphold the rule of law by nominating more than 200 Federal Judges? Numerous prominent people have argued that President Trump’s actions to appoint conservative Judges throughout the nation will positively impact and reshape our country in ways impossible until now for issues such as gun control, voting rights, abortion, immigration, the environment, etc. Do you no longer believe such issues are important?
Is it true, as it is for Romney and Flake and others that somehow Trump’s personality or his morality offends you too deeply and won’t let you vote for him?
And yet, let’s talk about morality. Senators Flake and Romney, who were so offended by the weak accusations of Christine Ford, against Justice Kavanaugh — 30 years ago — where she “thinks,” she “remembers” the said accused being at a party where bad things were happening. She “thinks” he was there. You holier than thou fools who joined the chorus of idiots screaming that “every woman should be believed!” Jeff, who I know from playing Church ball 30 years ago, you looked so concerned as those women accosted you in the elevator. Their voices invoked deep and solemn, contemplative emotion that YES, you needed to do something. So, you convicted a man, his family, his character — on the foundation of the hearsay testimony of a democratic activist that “thought” she may have seen Kavanaugh at a party 30 years ago!? Are you truly so self-righteous and so foolish? Brethren, did you support Senator Flake in his display of sanctimony? Did you call him to offer your support for his courage?
And yet now, Mr. Flake, you openly endorse Joe Biden, who is being accused by at least one very credible source, of being raped while she was an intern for him in D.C. Unlike, Dr. Ford’s testimony, her’s is corroborated by those she reported the incident to WHEN IT HAPPENED. And she told many witnesses. She wasn’t drunk at some party, Mr. Flake and Senator Romney (and the Brethren, if you agree with them), she was walking the halls of Congress as a sweet and naive young volunteer when she alleges that Joe Biden forced her against a wall, forced himself on her, and pinning her there, “fingered her” and said he wanted to “F— “ her. For a list of many other credible X rated accusations against Biden from other victims, you can read here.
It is worth noting that NONE of these victims are Trump supporters. They deserve to be believed and be heard and be given the same level of concern that you Jeff Flake and you Mitt Romney GAVE Dr. Ford. Not believing Tara Reed and others, after what you did to Justice Kavanaugh, is an utter disgrace.
Now Brethren, let’s talk about another issue that should offend your consciences. And I begin with a question: Did you support or instruct Senator Romney to vote to remove our President from Office? If so, shame on you. Especially given now that we have the facts.
Fact one, President Trump simply asked the new president of Ukraine to look into the many allegations of corruption related to American political figures such as Joe Biden, who admitted on video that he forced Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating his son Hunter Biden, or he would make sure Ukraine did not get 1 Billion Dollars in aid that had been promised. Fact two, the prosecutor WAS fired and their case against Hunter and other felons was dropped. Fact three, it turns out now we KNOW, that the “Big Guy” (aka Joe Biden) had reason to be concerned about this investigation because the money trail went up to him. Fact four, this is only the beginning. 30,000 or more pictures of crack pipes and child porn are on Hunter’s computer and witnesses are already testifying against Joe and Hunter for the damning evidence on the device confirming illegal activities including money laundering and who knows what else. Fact five, Joe Biden is a truly compromised man. He sold his office and President Obama’s Office to the highest bidders. Does this not offend you? What else will we discover Mitt, about Hunter and Joe? Are you concerned about your own son who also makes money in the Ukrainian Energy sector? Or your top adviser, Joseph Black, who served alongside Hunter Biden on the Board of Burisma? (See here)
It appears that Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Clinton, Mueller and Schiff all have ties to Ukrainian firms. VP Biden bragged on camera that he was able to force the former Ukraine President to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son, Hunter, by threatening to withhold $1 BILLION in US loans from Ukraine – all with approval from Obama!
It’s also alleged, “Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, Robert, a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein, helped Mitt Romney build his fortune at Bain…” (Source) This ought to give anyone concern given what we know about Maxwell and Epstein.
Mitt, is your disdain for Trump due to the fact that he has dirt on you too? Are you worried that Trump will uncover something in Ukraine that incriminates your family? Your relationship with Joe and Hunter Biden and Jeffrey Epstein?
Brethren, you of all people, should want darkness to come to light as it pertains to all these vital moral and ethical issues. And now, you know for a fact, that Senator Mitt Romney was wrong in his vote to remove our President from Office. Senator Romney should be apologizing right now for having cast his vote and should be repenting of his actions by asking President Trump for forgiveness and acknowledging his error and foolishness before the world. Instead, Romney is doubling down. Do you agree with him?
Do you quietly sustain Senator Romney? Are you secretly voting for Joe Biden or are you writing in some other candidate to assuage your consciences? If yes, I would sure like to know. Just in case your tenures in office have caused you to forget what real LDS conservatives think and feel, let me help you.
We LDS conservatives still revere leaders like President Ezra Taft Benson. He understood the threats we now see taking over our government. We love our country and recognize the current threat and reality that our nation and our freedoms are hanging in the balance. Benson, like Captain Moroni, would take Black Lives Matter at their word, that they are avowed and trained Marxists, and he sure AS HELL would NOT march with them as did Mitt Romney. Brethren, are you not concerned about the message that Church member Mitt Romney’s sympathy for a violent Marxist group sends? President Benson would NOT sustain Senator Romney and like the current Pope who disavows Joe Biden as a Catholic, I guarantee you that President Benson would disavow Romney as a member of the Church and call him an enemy of the State.
Brethren, are you comfortable with the recent statement from the Kremlin that endorses Joe Biden and the Democrat Party?
The Democratic Party, he said, is “traditionally closer to liberal values, it is close to the ideas of social democracy,” and these positions could help build contacts with Russia. Mr. Putin noted that he was for 18 years a member of the Soviet Communist Party. “Ever since, I have liked many of the leftist values,” he said.
Do you really not think it’s important to teach members in a way that makes it more clear as to what form of government we should sustain? You certainly made it clear how you felt about Prop 8. Why so silent today when the stakes are so high? Do you really think we will ever establish Zion if we abandon our love of freedom and knowledge of good government?
Would President Benson NOT vote for Trump, knowing the alternative is the continued road to Socialism and Communism? I think President Benson would be ashamed of Brother Romney and Brother Flake and Brother McMullin and anyone else who doesn’t vote for the obvious less evil candidate we have to choose from, including any of you Leaders of the Church.
Brethren, we conservative members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, join the rest of the country in seeing Mitt Romney as a self-righteous, pompous, snake. He epitomizes hypocrisy. He makes our Church look bad. Just like Harry Reed, Mitt Romney puts the Church in a very bad light. And as a friendly bit of advice, I think many members are starting to wonder if Flake, Romney, McMullin, and even Reed, may actually be an extension of you and your beliefs.
I personally know the daughter of a prominent general authority who most people know was a Democrat. This woman openly supports Black Lives Matter and is voting for Joe Biden, as an active and devout LDS member. She’s one of many LDS people I now see who think it’s “OK” to support such groups, who OPENLY teach things CONTRARY to what THE CHURCH SAYS IT BELIEVES.
I find it ironic that if I associate with a group that you see as a wrongful association, i.e. I choose to read a book that focuses on Christ (The Second Comforter), you threatened my Church membership, BUT you don’t seem to have any issue with members OPENLY supporting and AFFILIATING with Communist, Marxist, Transgenders inciting violence, murder, and mayhem.
And recently President Nelson, you made a statement in General Conference that I think reinforces my concern. You said,
“I grieve that our Black brothers and sisters the world over are enduring the pains of racism and prejudice. Today I call upon our members everywhere to lead out in abandoning attitudes and actions of prejudice. I plead with you to promote respect for all of God’s children.”
Such a statement may cause members to wonder if you too would have marched with Mitt Romney in a #BLM parade. At a minimum, this statement shows you, as the leader of our Church, adding credibility to the idea that there is systemic racism in our country. If we conservative LDS people are being honest, this feels very much like what the Church has done on all major political issues of late — i.e. jump on the bandwagon. If you truly believe that our nation suffers from systemic racism, then you, like Joe Biden, have perhaps been in office too long.
Most of us LOVE our country. We LOVE its people — of all colors! WE don’t think America is racist! And most of us conservative members LOVE President Trump! Despite any moral failings he has, HE has done more to uphold our Freedoms and our Constitution than any of you or any other President in the last 40 years. YOU should sustain him. YOU should be more supportive. And it should concern YOU that so many LDS people are supporting Biden… I think, following your examples.
Are we to believe that you also side with Lebron James? Stephen Colbert? Madonna? The cast of the West Wing? Oprah Winfrey and Ellen? The NBA and NFL players who last I checked are morally bankrupt? Are you joining hands with Hollywood? It sure feels like it. Google? Facebook? Twitter? Netflix? Amazon? Do you not see that these are the enemies of America and of Religion? As a side note — look at what #BLM is doing to professional sports. The LDS Church risks the same outcome by jumping on this bandwagon. The bandwagon of Babylon.
President Nelson, your words play into a false narrative that incites division and violence. Can you not see that? You apparently wanted to be on record siding with the progressives. The same progressives who are literally destroying our states and our cities.
The contrast and the choice are clear. That form of government leads to cities being overtaken by anarchists who kill and destroy. It leads to law enforcement being disregarded and/or assaulted and killed. It leads to racism ironically. Anger towards a white privilege that doesn’t exist. All these cities And states are run by Biden-supporting leaders. President Nelson, do you support this kind of leadership? Your words and your silence both seem to indicate it. Flake and Romney and Fox, do you also believe that the Democratic leadership that is now on display, aligns with LDS Gospel principles? No rule of law? Anarchy? Soft on crime? Two tiered justice? Ballot tampering and election fraud? Statues destroyed? Destruction of life and property? Allowing graffiti everywhere? Allowing cars to be set on fire? Businesses and homes to be burned down? Allowing (encouraging) murder? Homeless people everywhere? Defecating and doing drugs in the streets?
Honestly I cannot say it any other way and I’m not trying to be offensive, but, what in the hell is wrong with you Frank Fox?
How about JUST the issue of abortion alone! Biden and his Judges WILL lead to many many more abortions. They not only admit it — they celebrate it! Look at the liberal states in our country. They see the destruction of innocent human life as a civil rights issue, even partial birth abortion. Trump and Pence proudly fright against it. They support LIFE. They protect children. THE MOST VULNERABLE. That issue alone should NOT allow you to vote for Biden or any pro-abortion candidate. Your support of Biden, is a vote for the murder of children. Shame on you Frank Fox. May God damn your efforts to stop a candidate and his running mate from being elected. You expose yourself as a fraud and a fool. You are no conservative, that’s for sure.
I call on you Brethren, to OPENLY avow or disavow Professor Frank Fox’s statement that YOU do NOT support our President. He’s wagering his salvation on it. The least you can do is set the record straight. If it’s true, I want to know. If he’s right and you hate our President as much as he does and if you are quietly supporting Joe Biden over Donald Trump, I will resign from this Church today and will renounce you as blind fools and false prophets. That’s a promise.